About handling / repair
- Please tell me about repairs for the BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE products.
- Please tell me how to store the BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE products.
- Please tell me how to care for the BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE products.
- Please tell me about repairs for PLEATS products.
- Please tell me how to wash PLEATS products.
- I find parts where the pleats are crushed.
- Please tell me how to store PLEATS products.
- Can PLEATS products be re-pleated?
- Please tell me how to care for PLEATS products.
- Do the pleats get loose?
- Please tell me about repairs for products other than PLEATS products.
- Please tell me how to wash the products other than PLEATS products.
- Do the creases of the 132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE products fade?
- Please tell me how to handle the foil part of the 132 5. ISSEY MIYAKE products.
- The battery of my ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH product has run out.
- Where can I get the ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH products repaired?
- Does the warranty on the ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH products cover use overseas?
- Can the band size of the ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH products be adjusted?
- Can I replace the band of my ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH product?
- Can I get the ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH products repaired overseas?
- Can the size of the ISSEY MIYAKE EYES products be adjusted?
- Can the ISSEY MIYAKE EYES products be repaired?
- Can the ISSEY MIYAKE EYES products be repaired overseas?